Iau – Thursday, 8 Hydref – October, 2pm & 7:30pm
2014, Sweden, 120min, (15)
Cyf – Dir: Ruben Ostlund
Is-deitlau – Sub-titled
Mae teulu ar wyliau sgïo yn Alpau Ffrainc yn cael eu dawl mewn eirlithriad yn ystod amser cinio; tra bo’r ciniäwyr yn ffoi i bob cyfeiriad, mae’r fam, Elba, yn galw am ei gŵr Tomas, wrth iddi geisio diogelu eu plant. Mae Tomas, yn y cyfamser, ffôn yn ei law, yn rhedeg am ei fywyd. Drama watwar creulon.
A family on a ski holiday in the French Alps find themselves staring down an avalanche during lunch; whilst diners flee in all directions, mother, Elba, calls for her husband Tomas, as she tries to protect their children. Tomos meanwhile, phone safely in hand, is running for his life. A brutal satire.
Rotten Tomatoes – Force Majeure
IMDb – Force Majeure
- Bit slow, but v. Bergmanesque & sinister. Show more Swedish films!
Well worth showing. Poor Thomas! Why the bus ending. I won’t be going on a skiing holiday. - Humorous, poignant, off-beam, Nordic!
- My perception of the film was coloured by the fact I cannot see any attraction to skiing or staying in hotels or being with the people in the film. Either the married people or the single people or the adulterous couple. I just couldn’t relate to any of it at all.
- Different: Slow. Colourless. Humour-good. Thought provoking.
- A bit slow, but worth seeing.
- People in a mid-life crisis!
- A few fine moments with humour… Interesting thoughts on relationships but overall it didn’t really work for me!
- An odd film but think I enjoyed.
- 6/10
- Overlong – chilling in places and some bold statements about family + relationships – but uneven.
- Boring and tedious. The underlying plot was sound but the screenplay didn’t do it justice.