MINIMA presents The Phantom Of The Opera 1925

MINIMA presents The Phantom Of The Opera 1925

Iau – Thursday, 15 Hydref – October, 7:30pm



Dyma’r profiad ffilm mwyaf oriog i chi ei gael erioed wrth i Minima ddarparu cyfeiliant cerddorol byw i The Phantom of the Opera gyda lon Chaney. Paratowch i agor eich llygaid a’ch clustiau i wrthdrawiad mentrus rhwng llun a sain wrth i balet sonig unigryw Minima roi bywyd newydd i un o glasuron y byd ffilmiau tawel. Mae eu sgôr ôl-roc gwefreiddiol yn cyfleu arswyd y stori ond hefyd yn pwysleisio ei dwyster a’i rhamant gan ein denu i fyd tanddaearol hunllefus y Phantom anffurfiedig, erchyll.

Get ready for the moodiest film experience you’ve ever had, as Minima provide live musical accompaniment to The Phantom of the Opera starring lon Chaney.  Prepare to open your eyes and ears to a daring collision of image and sound as Minima’s unique sonic palette breathes new life into one of the great silent film classics.  Their electrifying post-rock score captures the horror of the story but also finds pathos and romance, drawing us into the subterranean nightmare world of the hideously disfigured Phantom.



Minima – website



  • Music made the film
  • Excellent music suited to the themes, however could perhaps have had a lighter approach to the more comedic scenes.
  • Minima’s music was excellent, though not always suited to the themes of the work. Audio quality suffered, something was rattling in the deepest bass in a very distracting fashion. For older works an accompanying info sheet would be helpful.
  • An interesting combination of instruments – hypnotic minimalism! What a pity that the level of volume was such that it was distorted and hit resonance with the floor, the furniture and my rib cage. A few decibels less would have enhanced the film instead of competing with it. An excellent attempt chaps; but far too loud. OK for a rave though.
  • A fantastic evening! Superb music + an excellent film.
  • Outstanding on all levels – The music complemented the film perfectly – the unmasking of the Phantom was particularly powerful as was the final sequence. Please bring Minima back!
  • Excellent performance by Minima. A shame that the music was too loud and that it caused a horrible and distracting rattle within the theatre.
  • Music was great!
  • Really enjoyed doing something different for the night!
  • Very good performance. Not what I expected.
  • What a brilliant (revived) idea! More please.
  • First time I’ve seen this cinema classic – greatly enhanced by the live music.
  • Amazing stamina of musicians. Brilliant score.

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