Llun – Monday, 2 Tachwedd – November, 2pm & 7:30pm
2014, Ffrainc – France, 135min, (15)
Cyf – Dir: Cedric Jimenez
Is-deitlau – Sub-titled
Mae Jean Dujardin o The Artist yn serenu fel Michel, ynad newydd ei ddyrchafu gyda chyn gysylltiadau â delwyr lefel isel allai gynnig cyfle o’r diwedd y gyhuddo’r “la French”. Ond mae cynnydd araf yr ymchwiliad gyda swyddogion llwgr yn amharu ei gynnydd yn achosi i Michel weithredu y tu allan i’r gyfraith.
Drama syfrdanol gyda gwaith sinema a sain gwych, a chast serol.
The Artist’s Jean Dujardin stars as Michel, a newly promoted magistrate whose prior connections to low level dealers may offer the opportunity to finally pin a charge on “la French”. But the slow progress of the investigation as well as corrupt officials blocking his advance cause Michel to act outside the law.
A stunning drama with superb cinematography, a terrific soundtrack and a stellar cast.
Rotten Tomatoes – The Connection
IMDb – The Connection
Audience Score – 90%
Comments as follows:
- Very enjoyable, beautifully shot. Perhaps a little longer than it needed to be but held the attention!
- Very classy film, superbly acted.
- I also remember the events at the time in France. Brilliant acting!
- Not the best script in the world, lots of gaping holes. However the acting was good – the lead actor is very charismatic.
- Good film, strong acting. 2 male leads. Just not my genre! So not excellent.