Wednesday, 12 April 2017, 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm
2016, USA, 137 minutes, (15)
Director – Kenneth Lonergan
Lee (Casey Affleck) a solitary Boston janitor must return to his North Shore hometown to look after his teenage nephew.
IMDb – Manchester by the Sea
Rotten Tomatoes – Manchester by the Sea
Official Website – Manchester by the Sea
- Very moving, fantastic actors. Shows how complicated grief is.
- I can’t recall a film ever using music better than this. Sensitive and accurate portrayal of male relationships. Lee’s response to grief and guilt very credible.
- Extremely moving and powerful.
- Powerful depiction of a broken soul – with just a glimmer of hope to sustain our souls
- Remarkable film making.
- Just didn’t get started for me.
- I thought this film summed up the irony of life an death. I didn’t expect the comedy but it was well-observed. An excellent film; the 2¼ hours went by quickly and that says it all
- Didn’t live up to my expectations – too long, slow, moody – loved the music
- Excellent film that kept me gripped throughout. Funnier than I expected but very moving too. Well acted and directed and one of the best films of this season