Tuesday, 7 March 2017, 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm
2016, UK, 87 minutes, (15)
Director – Euros Lyn
Following two librarians whose mother, a famous author, apparently commits suicide, leaving them devastated. However the mother’s final words suggest that her biographer may have been responsible for her murder; the twins set off on a quest to avenge her death.
Screen-writer Fflur Dafydd will be introducing the film.
IMDb – The Library Suicides / Y Llyfrgell
Rotten Tomatoes – The Library Suicides / Y Llyfrgell
Official Website – The Library Suicides / Y Llyfrgell
- Mwynheuais i’n arbennig y sesiwn cwestiynau ac atebion ar ôl y ffilm. Diolch yn fawr i’r trefnwyr.
- I especially enjoyed the question and answer session after the film. Many thanks to the organizers.
- Stunning film. Thoroughly enjoyed
- Great to see a welsh language film. Great story with a great plot. Good to nurture local talent. Very much enjoyed
- I found the film very poetic, it was epic. Not even Dylan Thomas could have foreseen this. BEST WELSH FILM….. EVER!!!!!
- Very hard to believe the tale. It was too long for a film
- I found it confusing and I didn’t know what genre I was entering – crime fiction, comedy, horror. Generally I avoid ‘noire’ so I’m not familiar with it. I didn’t like all the turning about in the library. To me this lacked tension and didn’t lead anywhere. At the beginning I would have liked more dialogues. Overall I wanted more comedy or more logic or more tension or all of these
- Gwych I weld ffilm yn gymraegless running about.
- Gripping, intriguing, very atmospheric, good story line. Thought Dan’s character brought some humour to its ending and I thought were they twins or a figment of Ana’s imagination. Nan her alter ego. Good twist, really enjoyed
- Very glad I came to see this film. I came with my librarian colleague
- Really enjoyed the film. Will visit the library as I haven’t as yet. I love crime and I work in a library
- A kaleidoscope of library tales – clever and quirky, very enjoyable
- Questions uncensored not sure what of the story is true
- I will visit the library. Having the author was excellent
- Funny, enjoyed
- Mwynhenais; ‘n arbennig y sesiwn cwestiynau ac atcbau ar Sl y ffilm dioch yn fawr I’r trefnwyr
- Very gripping and the ambiguous ending left me deep in thought about all that had happened before. Excellent
- So please Fflur could come. Great Q and A great film
- Thought provoking with regard personal memory and loss
- Too many holes in plot but interesting idea