The audience gave ‘Mustang‘ a score of 86.11.
- Beautifully filmed brilliantly acted very harrowing story – highlighting what’s happening to young girls in so many countries
- Mixed feelings. Hard to watch at times
- Excellent drama, beautifully told with some great scenes and an uplifting ending. Really enjoyed it.
- Blimey!
- Gripping – old values suffocating modern young Turkish women – a contempary theme not yet resolved
- A well told tale of young girls growing up in a Muslim country!
- Very watchable but sadly disturbing film. Plaudits for the editing.
- Brilliant film but a sad indictment of the way women are treated in vast swathes of the world
- Thought provoking. Tradition eh!
- Pointless. Puerile. Bad direction
- So very sad that women are treated like this
- Sadly how many millions of girls does this apply to in the world…
- Very powerful touching film. Really enjoyed but sad. Beautiful film
- Very moving film. Beautifully filmed. Felt for each character
- A very powerful and moving film!
- Story excellently told, good cinematography. Believable portrayals throughout